If your vacation journey is bringing you to Port Aransas in 2025 and you haven’t finalized your vacation accommodations as of yet, we at The Dunes have some thoughts on the matter. First of all, February 5th is a new “holiday” officially known as Book Direct Day, and it has been created to show you the benefits of booking direct versus letting your fingers scroll over to the third-party websites you may have become accustomed to.

Book Direct Today!

You don’t have to take our word for it; we’ve created this guide to show you all the reasons booking direct is a good idea. Booking directly with The Dunes will ensure that your accommodations will bring you peace, comfort, and a touch of luxury, all things that will make them become an integral part of your vacation experience!

A More Personal Experience

Dunes Porta - Available through direct booking

In spite of the humble beginnings of those other companies, today they are massive corporations that seem to have forgotten how much the personal touch can mean to travelers, but when you book directly with The Dunes, it won’t be an issue at all. We work here, we live here, and we play here, and when you choose us, we share all our years of knowledge and Port Aransas experiences with you. Helping you find the best Mexican restaurant in the area, directing you to the best festivals and events, giving you a concierge type experience that you would never get if you didn’t book direct.

Book Direct, Shop Local

As we stated above, Port Aransas is our home, and when you book from us, the money you spend is directed back into the community. We hire local, we shop local, and when you shop local with us, you too are doing your part in creating a healthy and bustling economy. Those other companies simply funnel the money into their own pockets, perhaps spending it there, but never really sharing the “wealth.” If we learned nothing else a few years ago, we certainly learned that shopping local is the best way to heal an ailing economy, and when you book direct, you are doing just that!

Flexibility Isn’t Just for Gymnasts

They always say that life happens when you are busy making other plans, and no matter how intent you are on following the timetable you have set up for your Port Aransas adventures, well, life can happen. And although we do have rules about when you can check in and when you have to check out, we understand that life doesn’t always play by the rules, and if you contact us, we can work with you to find a solution that helps everyone out. Flexibility is just as important as rules and we have had our own issues while traveling so we definitely understand and appreciate whatever you may be facing.

What You See Is What You Get

The dock at port Aransas, minutes away from the direct booking at the dunes porta

If you have used those other sites frequently, you have already learned that you don’t always walk into the same place that is shown on the pictures in the listing. Maybe they don’t update them as frequently as we do, maybe something came up with the property you originally rented and they had to substitute at the last minute but “forgot” to tell you. When you book directly with The Dunes, what you see is really what you get, and the pictures you have been perusing in the days that led up to your Texas trip of a lifetime will make the home feel like an old friend when you walk inside for the first time!

Saving Money by booking direct

We could go on and on about all the reasons you should avoid third-party platforms when renting your Texas retreats, but the biggest reason you want to book direct is more than likely the money you can save. Did you know there are fees assessed simply for the privilege of using those other sites? Right there we can save you almost 10% because we think it is a privilege that YOU choose us, not the other way around.

Additionally, when you book direct, you may find last-minute deals, holiday seals, or even exclusive packages that can help you save on your vacation experiences and all of this saving will enable you to put your money elsewhere. Buy a new bathing suit, ordering dessert at every meal, even putting some aside to save up for a return visit to Port Aransas can be accomplished with the use of your savings.

Book Direct With The Dunes

The luxury rentals in Port Aransas that we offer are designed to be an integral part of your vacation experience, offering comfort, style, and in many properties amazing views of the Gulf. Book direct on February 5th and receive all the benefits listed above and all the comforts you deserve!